Monday, February 9, 2015

We have some snow here!!

Does it look like this out your window too?

I'm all for snow days but...this...this is too much!  I want sunshine, birds chirping, and flip flops!

I don't know about my other teacher friends up here in New England, but I enjoyed the first couple of snow days and now I'm beginning to panic!  I am worried my little ones aren't going to remember all the new skills we've been learning.  I feel like I'm losing ground!

With some more snow in the forecast I knew I needed to come up with something!  I wanted to create some activities that the children could do when they are staying at home.  Activities that the parents could help them with and give a glimpse into our daily work.  And thus, my "Snow Day Pack" was born!

This pack includes:
Parent letter
Journal Prompt
Word families -at, -ow, -ate
Consonant blends
Consonant-vowel blends
CVC and two vowel words
Consonant Digraphs
Guided Reader
Counting by 10’s
Simple Addition
Counting quantities up to 20
List of outdoor learning activities for parents

Go to my TPT store to purchase!