Monday, August 24, 2015

Welcome Back!

"Welcome Back" has more meanings than one!  Welcome back to a new school year, but also welcome back to me who has been MIA for awhile.  I apologize for the radio silence as I have been finishing my grad work this past year!  My goal is to keep up with my blog this year now that I am done and have some time on my hands!
We are approaching the first day of school which is September 2nd for us.  This week brings teachers working like little worker bees to get their classroom ready.  I have some work to do based on these pictures:

Stay tuned for pictures of the final product, I won't share what my theme is just yet!
For now, I have nothing interesting to share but in just a few days I will post about organizing my classroom this year and some new TpT products for the teachers that read this!  In the meantime please enjoy this cartoon that made me laugh...