Thursday, September 25, 2014

Strong Fine Motor Development: Steps to Good Handwriting

                One specific skill that we develop early on in kindergarten is letter formation.  Each child has a handwriting book where we practice formation together as a group to ensure careful and focused letter writing.  One thing that is hard to remember is that children are still developing fine motor muscles at this age.  It is not developmentally appropriate to require children to have perfect handwriting when their hands are not fully developed.  This is why in early education classrooms, we use many activities that help strengthen fine motor skills at the start of the year to build strong handwriting by the end of kindergarten. 

                In the beginning of the year students handwriting, in most cases, is quite poor but this is very typical and should not be concerning.  It is important to guide children in holding their pencil correctly.  Once children create a habit in doing something incorrectly it takes a lot of time and effort to correct it, so it is best to nip that in the bud as quickly as possible.  Parents can help with this effort at home.  Practice at school is great and definitely has a lot to do with progression but at-home practice is what really makes the difference in fine motor development.  Here is a list of some things that can be done at home to help strengthen these muscles.

* Working with Playdough
* Have children sort pompoms with tweezers or clothespin
* Let children use a squirt bottle (to make it more fun put food coloring in it and have them spray paper towels or coffee filters)
* Stress Balls
* Small Legos
* Sticker Books
* Squeeze water with a turkey baster
* Hole punches

Here is a good source for more information on improving fine motor skills

Lakeshore Learning as some great activities as well...
Get Ready to Write! Gumball GrabBeginner’s Hammering KitDressing Frames - Complete Set

Here is a glimpse of our past week:

 Hope you found this post helpful! Have a wonderful weekend!

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